Published by : Seth Chancy
I am an effective planner.

Because my life is so full and busy, I take time to make a detailed

Planning ahead saves me time and money. 

The average family wastes over $2000 per year due to lack of planning. Instead of

I find it easier to say no to distractions everyday.

Because I have a plan for my life, it is easy to say no to

Time is my friend.

Time is my friend. I work with it, enjoy it, respect it, and make the

Being organized simplifies my life.

Being organized makes my life a lot easier. I start by getting my thoughts under

Time management helps me remain composed.

Managing my schedule helps me be effective with my time usage. It enables me to

I am maintaining momentum through exercise, setting priorities, and taking short breaks.

I realize that living the life I desire is a journey, not a sprint, and

I dare to focus only on the job at hand.

I allow myself the luxury of total concentration. When I tune out distractions and live

I keep up with home tasks to live an organized life.

My home is important to me. Arriving home after being out is one of the

I make the most of each moment.

Living in the present makes my journey through life exciting. I absorb the totality of